I need a break!!!

At this moment… I’m so tired that I would love to have a sabbatical year. I’ve never had much time without working or studying. Maybe a year is too much, I think I’d be bored doing nothing for so long. But with a two-month rest I would be more than happy.
To have a sabbatical year, you need much money or someone to keep you (in a finnacial way) and I think that my parents wouldn’t give me pocket money to do nothing. However, I think I could save some money to rest a while and not to worry about the costs.
So, if I imagine that I have covered my expenses, I would like to go to the beach… I would sleep all day long (in my bed, on the sand…) I would get up just to satisfy the basic needs of food and bathroom. .. After finishing to sleep, I would like to play nintendo, finish completly many games…and Play without feeling guilty!
When I begin to feel physical inactivity… I wild begin to walk on the beach, swimming, cycling around the place to begin to recharge batteries when I return to routine.
However, being realistic, I don’t think I can take a sabbatical year, I think it’s a luxury that few people can take… Unfortunately it takes money to live and if it isn’t so… It must generate … working…
So, if someone can have a sabbatical year my message is “enjoy yourselves” by all those who can’t… that we can’t…
I wait for February to go to Baires…. I have only the tickets…. I hope to get more money from here to February…

Tuesday 26 October 2010 at 07:23 , 4 Comments

My green post!

I think that I’m friendly with the environment but I need to be more. In general, I follow the basic steps to care the environment like those tips that they learn at school such as: don’t throw trash on the ground, use the piece of paper complete and in all its forms before throwing it, save water, etc.
I think people living in more contact with nature care much more than citizens who have to go to special places to live with it and who tend to forget that exists and we need to take care.

Many times in the name of progress, environmental abuse and misuse of resources are justified and in some cases it’s so, but time has shown that more progress is greed. Because if you can get the same energy, if we think of the power plants, this can come from toxic coal or natural gas, the difference is in the cost of building of these plants. Most power plants in Chile are of coal, with very few effective measures to combat pollution.

Thus sometimes you see that as a person you can act in one positive direction, but the interests of the companies undermine everything you can do. But it is not a reason to stay in inaction, but to be a little more thoughtful about these issues. But we need beyond that in winter problems in Santiago when we all drown because of smog. That is certainly an important issue, but it’s controlled by monetary fines, and we can’t to compare the health cost because the pollution with the monetary cost to companies.

I believe we can contribute something, be more conscious with the use of energy, water and nutrients. It may be a minor step, but if you add up the majority of the population, changes could be visible. This is doesn’t mean no use natural resources but make a sustainable use them for coming generations may also benefit.

Tuesday 19 October 2010 at 06:25 , 4 Comments

Music for Life!

Hi all

Well, as we all believe that music is central to my life. There are always songs, lyrics or melodies that interpret how you feel. I like many types of music, and of course very dependent on mood and context. The music is the best for all moments of life... =)

My favorite band is “Los Prisioneros”, but as I did a post about them, so I'll talk about a band I am glad that my spirits up and reminds me fifteen.

They are Millencolin, is a Swedish band, hardcore punk ... but more mellow ... is music to skateboarding, to forget everything, for me are like an injection of energy. They have recorded 9 studio albums and have other compilations. My favorite album is "Pennybridge Pioneers" which launched in 2000.
They come twice to Chile, and this year come back to celebrate 10 years of record that I like! ... The problem is money.... This end of the year because there are many more concerts and my pocket not resist ... = P
The best thing is listening to remember those school days, when everything was more simple ... where there was more time for friends to talk about life ... without becoming bitter as now = P. .. I encourage bus travel, waiting and fomes or sad moments in life =)

Finally, I leave some songs of Pennybridge Pioneers... =)


Tuesday 28 September 2010 at 08:22 , 3 Comments

What to do where to go in Santiago

What to do where to go in Santiago after the Bicentenario weekend
There’s a place that I like so much… It’s Bio-Bio’s “persa” There’re too many things… about what you want. Music; any cd's, vinyls, posters, equipment, old players ... Movies, originals and pirates ... Everything for your pc ... Antique furniture, assorted clothing, cheap books, video games, paintings, appliances, Arab sweets... in short, everything ... useful and useless things =)
I know this place since I was a child… I lived near “Barrio Franklin” and my dad used to take me on Sundays, I remember eating winter ice creams and he was digging through piles of books in search of treasure ... a good book and a ridiculous cost. There are several sellers who don't really know what they are selling ... They only put a price depending on how you see the book or its thickness.

The best time to go is before lunch, at about 11, before it is difficult to find shops open... you can even eat there, there are good eateries (“cocinerías”) and lots of barbecue everywhere ... “fritanga” on all corners =) it's open until 16 hrs approx.
It’s said that is an unsafe place… In general it’s not, obviosuly you have to take guards… having your things near and regulary watch it.

It is not advisable to go the end of the month, it's full of people and in general there are more thieves ... because although it has reduced the illegal trade is still one of the main places to reduce stolen species.
But I’ve always been there and never had a problem… Some products are defective, but I could change them. It is a great place to go for a walk, there’re everything. Musicians, poets, street performers and celebrities. It is very picturesque.
The easiest way to get there is by Metro (Franklin Station – Line 2) Saturdays and Sundays

Tuesday 21 September 2010 at 08:04 , 5 Comments

Bicentennial: Nothing to celebrate

Well, I don’t think it’s a time to a celebrate… The first meeting of government doesn’t generate pride in me… I don’t feel any special thing with this date because it really is a milestone but far to Independence… real Independence…
That's it ... I understand the strategy of the date, because if it was in February because it would be bored on vacation ... but, there are always reasons for make a party ...

I think I'll go to “Ventanas”, to my grandparent’s house, I hope rest these four days ... because since February that I have’nt had a break .. There he meets most of my father’s family… and there’re varied menus for every day ...

In general, there are empanadas, roast, cocimiento, and others delicious dishes… Is a good time to fatten! =P

I just like the date they are almost holiday and people are more cheerful than the rest of the year ... People are willing to spend much money to eat and have fun ... is a time of distention ... but it is unfair that all should come down when prices go up by increased demand ... once again... the market does’nt work ... XD

I call on the date to discuss what has been done as a country..and advance to have real reason to celebrate as a country =)

Tuesday 7 September 2010 at 08:12 , 5 Comments

The Future of Chilean State Universities

I think the problem comes from for a long time… From ’80s with the new constitution, the market logic invaded all spaces, including education.
Just remember that the “Universidad de Chile” was actually in Chile, was in major regional centers, however, dictatorship was dismantled and turned into various institutions, losing the national seal that characterized it.
The incredible thing is how they have been losing more and more safeguards as “public” university had ever… The cost of attendance is growing and competition between universities to attract students like customers generates a less promising picture.
There isn’t a inmediate solution, because the issue is political, it needs political will to change the system and that is’nt in any political alliance… The only proposed patch.
I believe this government, like his predecessors, will attempt to finish privatizing the university, because we must be clear that the only “public” that is at the University of Chile is the bureaucratic swamp that has ... But there is still some pride that characterizes it, there are still people who believe in the dream of Bello, so do not be so easy, students are outstanding at any move of the government and the protests will continue until the demands are heard

Tuesday 31 August 2010 at 07:52 , 5 Comments

I’d like to visit all LatinAmerica

Well, my favourite country is Argentina… but I usually talk about Baires =P… not this time…

I’d like to visit all countries of LatinAmerica; I’d beging for Bolivia & Peru, the classic trip… I’d like to know de most important cities and special towns, there’s always a little magical town in these places. I’d like to be for 2 o 3 months. After, I’d go to Ecuador, for 1 month… then, Colombia for an other month and Venezuela for 2 months or more…. Depends of money… (but.. like this is an a idea, I can dream all I want… =P)

Later, I expected to be in Brazil for Carnival…and the down to Uruguay and Paraguay for 2 months… and finally arrive to Argentina and stay there for a long time, 2 years or more… To study some master or something like that.
In this moment I’m saving money to go to Buenos Aires to next February… The ticket is alredy! =D

p.s: the picture is Venezuela!

Tuesday 24 August 2010 at 07:44 , 3 Comments